Arts Enterprise blends the arts & business to enrich the lives of thinkers and doers. We pursue entrepreneurship, education and community engagement to enable students to implement creative ideas, developing a community of passionate leaders.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hey AE-ers! I attended the talk for JPEC students hosted by Red Frog Events and I am giddy with excitement about this company! This is one of the most creative and entrepreneurial companies I have ever heard of, and they host really exciting events such as Warrior Dash, Beach Dash, and Great Urban Race. Check out their website, and if you're as excited as I am about Red Frog Events the reps at the talk last week said they host tours for student groups, so we could set up a trip to Chicago and learn more about a very successful and exciting entrepreneurial company!
-Tine, VP of Camaraderie

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

OK Go's "Needing/Getting" music video. Brilliant!

World War Z

Trailer for the highly anticipated zombie film based on the book World War Z by Max Brooks.
Highly recommended!

This is an interesting video from TED, if you're not familiar with TED talks yet you should check it out! The speaker in this video John Bohannon is a scientist and a writer who runs the annual "Dance Your Ph.D" Contest for Science journal where Ph.D students compete to use dancers to explain their thesis in lieu of a traditional power point presentation. In this video he makes his argument why dance is a better media to engage an audience. It's a great example of melding the arts with academics and how it's mutually beneficial. I thought the creative campus was a great next topic to follow the creative economy. The creative campus is a program that makes the arts central to academic learning, so instead of separating arts into it's own category the arts are melded with all other academics. The University of Iowa's Hancher Auditorium was one of the recipients of funding from the Creative Campus Innovations Program. You can read about that project by clicking the link below!

-Tine, VP Camaraderie

Last week I posted a quote by John Adams, if you simplify it it reads "I study law, so that my children may study science and math, so that their children may study art and culture". What he meant by this is that having the freedom to study art and culture is a desirable goal to reach, and a sign that society has matured. In the United States we are at a point where our economy is moving away from industry and production of goods to making profits off of ideas, knowledge, services, and more creative ventures. I thought this was a good topic to talk about since the AE Summit this year is focusing on the Creative Economy. If you're not familiar with the idea of the creative economy or creative industries they are concerned with the generation or creation of new ideas and information and exploiting them for economic profit. Creative industries have become important to our economic well-being, and they don't just include traditional arts, but also marketing, graphic design, and technology which includes everything from software to video games to android phones and tablets. These industries could not exist without creativity and artistic minds that generate the products for consumption. When it comes to traditional arts such as dance, theatre, music, and art galleries they are important in boosting local economies. The arts bring audiences, which spend money on everything from dinner before the show, parking, shopping, and hotels if coming from out of town, pumping money into local businesses. In conclusion, creative industries are the future of our economy.
-Tine, VP Camaraderie

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."- Quote by John Adams

-Tine, VP Camaraderie