Arts Enterprise blends the arts & business to enrich the lives of thinkers and doers. We pursue entrepreneurship, education and community engagement to enable students to implement creative ideas, developing a community of passionate leaders.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Creative Careers

Here is a great story about an entrepreneur who is pursuing her love of theater through business and marketing.

Fast Company has put together a great series of videos about, "the paths that innovators took to get where they are today."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Peter Lawrence on Bringing Design to the Business World

Great video via Fast Company. The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to the bottom line. Recognizing the value in artists and business people working together makes sense.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Join us for our next meeting this Tuesday, October 25, 9:15pm sharp, located at the Bedell Center.

Where Creative Minds Meet. Open to All Majors.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inspired to be Passionate

Be inspired to be passionate about the work and art that you love, while supporting social causes